福島市勢要覧 -001/040page
Creating a "Beautiful and Vibrant Fukushima"
福島市長 瀬戸 孝則
THE MAYOR OF FUKUSHIMA西に、雄大な吾妻連峰、東はなだらかな阿武隈 高地に抱かれた盆地の都市「福島市」は、まちの 中心部に緑豊かな信夫山があり、また白鳥の飛来 する阿武隈川が流れ、自然豊かで人情あふれる、 美しい福島県の県都です。
現在、本市は29万人余の人口を擁し、県内の政 治・経済・文化の中心都市として着実に発展を続 けています。また、高速交通網の整備により、首 都圏と東北圏、太平洋圏と日本海圏を結ぶ交通の 結節点として重要な位置を占めています。
本市は、「若者が喜んで帰ってくるまち、お年 寄りがいきいき暮らすまち」の実現を基本理念と し、「美しい元気な福島」を創るため、各種施策 に取り組んでいます。
基幹産業である農業をはじめ、工業・商業・観 光産業の振興に全力を傾け、経済の活性化に努め ます。また、生活に直結した事業については、知 恵を出し合い、市民の期待に応えていくとともに、 事業の緊急性、重要性を勘案し、健全な財政運営 を行っていきます。
さらに、「福島わいわい夢会議」の開催など、 開かれた市政、参加型の市民と協働のまちづくり を積極的に進めていきます。
福島の恵まれた自然が生かされ、安定した経済 力を持ち、豊かな文化が育まれる安全で安心して 暮らせるまちの実現のため、これからも努力して いきます。
The City of Fukushima, which lies in the basin bounded by magnificent peaks of the Azuma Mountains on the west and by gentle slopes of the Abukuma Highlands on the east, is the beautiful capital of Fukushima Prefecture. A gentle wooded hill, Shinobuyama, rises up near the city center, and the Abukuma River, where a lot of swans come and stay in winter, flows through the middle of the city. Our city is blessed with the bounty of nature and abounds in warm humanity.
Fukushima with a population of more than 290,000, has been steadily developing as the political, economic, and cultural hub of Fukushima Prefecture. Thanks to the recent progress in the high-speed transportation network, our city has become an important junction of the Metropolitan area and the Tohoku zone, and also of the Pacific region and the coastal zone of the Japan Sea.
To realize our basic philosophy of a city where "Our Young People are Pleased to Return to" and "Our Senior Citizens can Lead a Vigorous Life" and in order to create a more "Beautiful and Vibrant Fukushima", various administrative policies are being implemented toward its achievement.
Agriculture is a key industry, along with the sectors of our manufacturing, commerce and tourism industries, which we are vigorously promoting to do our utmost for the revitalization of the economy. Regarding enterprise directly connected with our lives, we bring forward our wisdom and collectively respond to the expectations of our citizens, to the urgent needs of enterprises, and place importance on the gathering of ideas in order to have a sound financial management.
Further, "Fukushima Waiwai Yume (Exciting Dream)" Conference is held by the City Government, to proceed in the development of the city through active cooperation. Fukushima is blessed by the bounty of nature and a stabilized economy. It is also enriched in culture and we will do our utmost to strive to have a city where we can live in safety and comfort to become a reality.