福島市勢要覧 -010/040page
Creation of a Beautiful and Vibrant Fukushima「美しい元気な福島」を創るため「経済力の安定した まちづくり」「環境と共生したまちづくり」「市民との 協働のまちづくり」を重点施策の柱として、市民との対 話を重ねながら、若者が喜んで帰ってくるまち、お年寄 りがいきいきくらすまちの実現を目指して各種施策に取 り組んでいます。
With the aim of creating a more "Beautiful and Vibrant Fukushima", we place importance on the pillars of our administrative policies to "Develop Economic Stability in our City", "Live in Harmony with our Environment", and to have "Cooperation among our Citizens". Various policies are being developed and efforts are being made to realize our goals to have open dialog among our citizens, a city where our young people are pleased to return to and where our senior citizens can lead a vigorous life.