福島市勢要覧 -012/040page

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Developing Economic Stability in our City
 −Promoting the Development of Various Industries−

 市では産業を取り巻くさまざまな環境の変化に的確に 対応した経済活性化の施策を進めています。基幹産業で ある農業については、モモなどの果樹栽培をはじめ、付 加価値の高い都市近郊型農業を推進し、商工業では、経 営環境の変動に対応した支援を行い、商業機能の充実と 技術力の向上に努めるとともに企業誘致による工業立地 など積極的な振興を図っています。
 また、温泉や国立公園などの豊かな自然と調和を図り ながら、魅力ある観光拠点づくりを進めています。

 Development of industries, which are well suited to our regional characteristics, is essential to the improvement of our citizens' standard of living. We are carrying out various measures to revitalize and develop our economy in response to situational changes in the surroundings of our industries.

 Agriculture is our key industry. In addition to the production of fruit, such as peaches and apples, our farmers are encouraged to develop a suburban-type agriculture with higher value-added yields. In the sectors of our commerce and manufacturing industry, appropriate support is given to cope with economic changes, and necessary assistance is rendered to improve commercial functions and technological performance. We are also trying to invite more factories or plants to this city.

 Making a harmonious use of the blessings of nature, such as hot springs and a beautiful national park, we are engaged in the development of attractive sightseeing bases.

Sales Promotion of Fruit by "Miss Peach"

 飯坂、土湯、高湯をはじめとする数多くの温泉地を抱えた本市では、 積極的かつ効果的な観光宣伝による観光客の誘致に努めています。
Fukushima, the Country of Hot Springs : "Sabako-yu" (a public bathhouse) at Iizaka

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