福島市勢要覧 -014/040page

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Developing Economic Stability in our City
−Extended Cooperation of the Municipalities and Revitalization of the City−

 福島市は、福島地方拠点都市地域の中心として周辺市 町村と連携を図り、働く場、居住環境の整備、教育文化 施設やレクリエーション機能の充実した魅力あるまちづ くりを進めているほか、東北地方の新たな発展に向け仙 台市、山形市等と南東北中枢広域都市圏の形成に努めて います。
 中心市街地の活性化では、基本計画である「新しい風 ふくしま計画」に沿って、中心市街地に人口を呼び戻す など、人がつどい、ふれあい、安心して、快適に住める まちづくりを進めています。都市再生につながる区画整 理事業、福島駅周辺の整備計画、回遊性向上のため公共 交通機関の整備とレンタサイクル事業などを積極的に推 進していきます。

 Fukushima City is at the center and was designated as the "Fukushima Region Core City District" of cities, towns and villages is engaging together with other municipalities in a wide range of projects, including the improvements of the working and housing environment and the development of up-to-date educational, cultural, and recreational facilities. Aiming at the new development of the Tohoku Region, Fukushima is also engaging in the formation of the Southern Tohoku Wide Area Municipal District together with Sendai, Yamagata and other municipalities.

 Especially in our central city area, in accordance with our basic revitalization program, "New Winds of Fukushima", measures to recover its population and prosperity are being implemented. We also want to develop a lively and vibrant midtown area which attracts many people and offers to them various amenities. We are also promoting a highly efficient use of land through land readjustment and urban redevelopment. Plans to maintain the area around the Fukushima Station, improvements in the means of public transportation and programs, such as "rent-a-cycle", are being implemented.

 土地区画整理事業や再開発事業を進めるほか、まちの「顔」であるJR福島駅の周辺を 計画的に整備していきます。
  写真 JR福島駅前
Maintenance of the Area around Fukushima Staition: "In Front of JR Fukushima Staitoin"

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