福島市勢要覧 -022/040page

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Developing a Vibrant City through Education and Culture Based on Close Personal Interaction

 新しい時代を拓く人材の育成を目指し、中学生の職場 体験学習や小学生によるふれあい夢づくり事業など、地 域全体で子どもたちを見守り、育てるシステムづくりに 努めています。また、近年の市民の多様な学習意欲に応 えるため、自発的な活動を援助するとともに公民館の充 実、地域学習センターの整備を行うなど、生涯にわたっ て誰もが生きがいをもって楽しく学び、文化が薫るまち づくりを推進しています。

 Our aim is to raise our human resources in this new age through programs, such as hands-on learning experience at the workplace for junior high school students, and close interaction and dream-building campaigns for elementary school students. We do our utmost to create a system to raise and protect our children with involvement from all communities in the area. In recent years, the needs of our citizens' desire for continued education in various fields are met through the support of choice-based activities together with the community centers, to enhance the lives of our citizens. The local Learning Centers are maintained for everyone to have something to live for, while enjoying to study during a lifetime and to promote a culturally enriched city.

  写真 IT講習会
Promoting Lifelong Learning: "IT Course"

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