福島市勢要覧 -024/040page

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Creating a City with Tasteful Surroundings and Harmonious Coexistence
−Preserving and Protecting Nature and our Surroundings−

 かけがえのない自然と生活環境を次世代に引き継いで いくため、環境基本計画の推進を図り、環境保全の啓発、 生活排水浄化対策など環境に配慮したまちづくりを行っ ているほか、条例を制定し、福島らしい景観形成に努め ていきます。
 また、阿武隈川サミットを毎年開催し、流域自治体と 連携した治水、利水、水質などの河川環境の保全に取り 組んでいます。
 さらに、市民の飲み水などに影響の大きい水道水源地 域に対しては、条例の制定など積極的な保全対策を進め ています。

 Nothing is ever so precious as our nature and its pleasant and tasteful surroundings, which will be passed on to future generations. Basic plans to promote the preservation of our environment in order to realize the benefits from the protection of the surroundings through measures to maintain the purification of our water and to have respect and consideration for our environment for the development of our city. Ordinances have been established to make efforts to achieve and uphold our image of the beautiful scenery of Fukushima.

 We are concentrating our efforts on our river improvement, water utilization, and conservation of the river environment. "The Abukuma River Summit" meeting held every year is an instance of these efforts.

 Furthermore, the water source from our rivers and the water supply in our area plays a vital role in our drinking water and its conservation. Measures have been taken to establish ordinances to actively conserve them.

 阿武隈川の治水・利水・環境について福島県・宮城県の流域29自治体首長や関係機関が 一同に会して討議する場「阿武隈川サミット」を開催しています。
  写真 第8回阿武隈川サミット
Maintenance of the River Environment: "The 8th Abukuma River Summit"

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