福島市勢要覧 -026/040page

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Creating a City with Tasteful Surroundings and Harmonious Coexistence
−Maintenance of Parks and Waste Reduction into Resources−

 緑の基本計画に沿って、潤いのある緑のまちづくりの ため、公園・緑地の整備を進め、市民ぐるみ運動による 線化や公共施設等の緑化なども積極的に推進していきま す。
 また、増えつづけるごみの減量化と再資源化の推進を 図り、環境への負荷を低減するため、積極的な啓発活動 のほか、資源物の分別収集の改善に努めています。

 Following the basic plan for greenery to enrich the beauty of our city, we do our utmost to maintain our parks and the surrounding greenery. All of our citizens are actively involved in our campaign for greenery beautification of our city and public facilities.

 The reduction of ever-increasing amount of trash and garbage turning them into recyclable resources are being promoted through efforts being actively made to reduce the load on our precious environment through beneficial movements. Improvements in the collection of garbage, by separating them into various types of trash and recyclable resources, are being carried out.

 阿武隈川の舟運、城下町や寺町などまちの歴史・文化に学ぶ、 ふれあい交流拠点として旧日銀支店長役宅を整備します。
  写真 旧日銀福島支店長役宅
A Place for Interaction and Cultual Exchange: "The Former Official Residence of the Branch Manager of the Bank of Japan"

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