白沢村勢要覧 -017/038page

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ビス」が選択できることになります。この事業は村と村の社会福祉協議会それに 関連福祉施設等が一体となって実施します。

 また、「シルバー人材センター」を通した社会参加、「老人クラブ連合会」が主体となって開催する各種行事やスポーツイベント等多彩な活動展開を奨励する とともに、高齢者の健やかなシルバーライフを応援し、サポートしていきます。



Public Health. Medical Care & Welfare

The village provides cancer examinations, regular medical checkups and preventive inoculations as well as health consultations, with the Public Health Center and the national health insurance clinics - one each in the Wagisawa and Shiraiwa districts - acting as health / medical care bases.Enhancement of health consciousness is encouraged among our residents through prevention and early detection of diseases under the motto " It's up to you to protect your health." We have also invited young and upcoming Dr.Keiji Kishiro to thc clinic while, at the same time, enlarging the clinic to provide better medical care.
Thc community-oriented medical / health care system is further enhanced by nurturing public health facilitators.
Concerning public welfare, the village is developing a wide range of activities especially for children, the disadvantaged and single-parent households.
The society of Japan is graying society at an unparalleled pace. Shirasawa is no exception, seeing the elderly increasing year by year in terms of both the number and percentage share in the population. Accordingly, of vital importance is the issue of measures that need to be taken for the elderly. We will support them by improving their living conditions and environment so that they are physically and mentally healthy and able to enjoy a life worth living as well as independence.
A scheme known as the Insurance for Care and Assistance for the Elderly is being introduced during fiscal year 2000. Taking this opportunity, we plan to map out our own program as a pillar supporting welfare measures for the elderly so that they can feel reassured in the 2lst century. If nursing care is deemed necessary under the insurance system, one can choose from two types of service: "care at home" or "care at a welfare facility." Shirasawa will implement this program in cooperation with the village's Social Welfare Council and related welfare facilities.
We are also encouraging the elderly to participate in community activities through the so-called "Silver Jinzai Center" and in cultural and sporting events sponsored by thc "Federation of Clubs for the Elderly." We are always eager to support the happy and healthy lives of senior residents.

VOICE ちょっと一言


本田 ミネさん(白岩字塩ノ崎)
本田 ミネさん


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