白沢村勢要覧 -038/038page
(昭和43年制定)Mark of the village
A white circle makes Japanese sa and it is called Shirosawa in Japanese. Thc horizontal line is for eternal success and the white circle for unity. Both symbolize both a happy life and development of industy and culture.
(issued in 1968)
平成12年3月 発行
発行・編集 / 白沢村・総務課
〒969-1204 福島県安達郡白沢村糠沢字小田部 1 TEL 0243(44)2111
制作 / 株式会社パイクGuide to Shrasawa
Issued in March 2000
Published and edited by the general affairs section. Shirasawa Village 1 Otabe, Nukazawa Aza, Adachi-gun. Fnkushima Prefecture 〒969-1204
Tel 0243(44)2111
Produced by Pike Inc.