西郷村勢要覧 -021/023page
議会 Village Assembly
The current residents and administration of Nishigo work hard to promote the opportunity to make more positive contacts to contribute to the town. As people meet one by one or in groups, they hope for open discussions and a listening ear for the benefit of Nishigo. With the nature, traditions, and people of Nishigo, they earnestly desire and endeavor to improve the town as Nishigo and its people look towards its prosperity and possibilities.
時代の発展に伴って、村民の行政 に対する要望は年々多様化の一途を たどっています。本村では22人の議員 により年4回の定例議会を通じて、 効率的かつ健全な行財政の運営が 図られるため村運営の基盤となる 議会運営を推進しています。