わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東郷土理解資料1 -024/161page

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    Three ritual dancers dance with 3 1ion masks.
    A ritual dancer wears a lion head on his head.
    A ritual dancer attaches a drum to his belly.
    Two ritual dancers dance as male lions.
    One ritual dancer dances as a female lion.
    The ritual music is played with flutes and drums.
    The ritual dancers of the equinoctial week dance to pray for protection from evil.
    The ritual dancers of the equinoctial week dance to pray for rich harvests.
    The ritual dancers of the equinoctial week dance as a part of a memorial service.
    The ritual dance of the equinoctial week was introduced to the Aizu area in the Sixteenth century.
    The ritual dance of the equinoctial week began to encourage the soldiers in the Heian Period.
    The Kagura was introduced to Hattano in the Kawahigashi-town.
    The Hattano Kagura is a dance that people wear a lion head or a lion mask.
    The Hattano Kagura was introduced to the Kawahigashi-town in the Meiji Periiod.
    The Kagura is a dance for the God.
    People dance the Hattano Kagura to pray fo rprotection from evil。
    People dance the Hattano Kagura to pray for rich harvests.

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