わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -130/161page
4.児童会総会 Student Council Meeting
This is an introduction of the Kawahigashisecond elementary school students activitiesmeeting.
Our student council consists of 6 differentcommittees.
There are 2 students elected from each classas representatives and they set our goal everyweek.We reflect on what we did and improvefor the next week.
Also,students have to join each committeefrom the fourth grade.ThereareMeeting,ArtsandSc三ence,Library,Broadcast,Health andLunch,Animals and Flowers protect committees.
For example,a Broadcast committee's goal is to make efforts to spend a school time regulately anddelight fully.
We try to learn new English vocabraly for English conversation every month。 このめあてから各自のめあてと計画を立て、総会にて報告、お知らせするという形で委員会は活動しています。
Every year,each fourth,fifth and sixth grade student sets a goal.After setting their goals,theyreport and announce them at a meeting.
The fourth grade students are especially motiyated to accomplish their goals because they have achance to contribute to the school's well-being for the first time.