喜多方市勢要覧 -001/026page
Mayor's Message
喜多方市長 白井英男
0ur city,Kitakata,located in the core of northern Aizu,has been brought up with history and tradition.
It is a beautiful city rich with warm−hearted people and blessed with clean water and nature,Where every season has its distinct feature.
At one with nature,the storehouses.known as"Kitakata−no−kura"were molded as a result of our ancestors dreams and passion.
They are a symbol of the respect we have for those ancestors,who each fought for the better good of the citizens."Kitakata Ramen",made from the city's fresh water attracts tourist to come from all over Japan.
To create this city,in the past, many citizens overcame alot of obstacles,holding strongly onto their hopes and dreams.
Now we look toward the future of internationalization,the advanced information age and a decrease in birth rate and an increasing aging society. Using the citizens'wisdom and creation as the basis of a government by the people, various policies are being enforced. These people are willing to work hard,for the purpose of creating a clean, peaceful and safe Kitakata.
0ur city is blessed with a rich nature and a long history and culture,where the patience and dedication of the citizens have supported "Kura−no−machi Kitakata" and "Ramen−no−machi Kitakata".
I hope to continue to cooperate with the citizens as our city makes a rapid progress towards development.
I have briefly described Kitakata in this pamphlet and will be very pleased if it has been one way to have helped you in understanding my city.