白沢村勢要覧 -001/038page
白沢村長 岡部 善宜
Created in 1955 through the unification of Shiraiwa and Wagisawa Villages, Shirasawa Village greets its 45th anniversary this year, which marks the beginning of the greatest challenge ever for Shirasawa as it faces unprecedented impacts resulting from socio-economic changes and reforms.
Our society is rapidly graying with a constantly shrinking population of young people at the same time that we are undergoing violent changes such as bankruptcies,and cuts in employment and wages amidst the so-called Heisei-era Slump. It even seems that our Japanese appreciation for life itself is about to change drastically, not to mention the changes affecting our social structure.
Conditions surrounding Shirasawa Village have also changed greatly. For example, the completion of Fukushima Airport's runway extension to 2,500 meters has allowed it to receive regular international flights, making overseas travel more easily available. Also, the progress being made on the construction of the four-lane Ban'etsu Expressway is expected to have exceptionally high ripple effects benefitting industy and tourism in Fukushima Prefecture.
We will create a new, brighter future for Shirasawa Village with the Third Phase Promotional Plan - which is entitled "Plan 21 Creating Shirasawa Land of Hopes and Natural Beauty" - as our guideline.
We aim to create a community that is truly worth living in as well as one in which we can take pride. Emphasis will be placed on the restructuring of medical/health care and welfare measures under the newly introduced system of Insurance for Care and Assistance for the Elderly; promotion of well-balanced industries taking advantage of our geographical superiority; creation of a comfortable lifestyle uniquely suitable for Shirasawa; and fostering the creation of a clean and green environment as well as residents with well-rounded personalities.
The concept of administrative decentralization being advocated today urges us to exhibit our own initiative. Hand in hand with our residents and pooling our wisdom together, Shirasawa will strive to make our community even more attractive and full of hope for the future.
This brochure is intended to provide you with a glimpse of Shirasawa as a village full of vitality and potential. I hope it will help you to better understand Shirasawa.
March 2000
Zengi Okabe, Village Mayor