わたしたちの郷土 河東町 わたしたちのまち 河東 -078/161page

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米作りカレンダー Rice-making calendar
4月 April
  Build houses.

  Sow in a greenhouse.

  Manure a rice paddy.

  Cultivate a rice paddy.

5月 May
  Plant rice ina rice paddy.

  Scatter herbicide.
7月 July
  Disinfect plants.

8月 August
  Stand a scarecrow.

9月から11月 Between September and November
  Stop supplying water and dry a rice paddy.

  Crop,thresh,dry rice.

  Sell the ric{e.

 Between June and September
 Scatter herbicide and disinfect plants preventing from sickness.

(1)JAのやくわり A Role of JA

 The meaning of JA(Japan Agriculture Association)
 It was established by the people of farms with the theme of "Better,affuent our farm and life".
 There are branches of the JA in the Kawahigashi-town standing in front of the Hirota Station,Owada,and Hattano.

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