わたしたちの郷土 河東町 わたしたちのまち 河東 -080/161page

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VI かわってきた人びとのくらし The change of People's Lives

1.どうぐからむかしをしらべる Research the History Form Tools

(1)むかしの家 The Old House
 おじいさん、おばあさんが子どものころの家 (やく70〜60年前)
 The House From When Grandparents Were Children About 70〜60 Yars Ago

 There were many thatched roofs and the roofs made of straw long time ago.
 They usually had an earth floor used as a working space and a stable for the horses.

お父さん、お母さんが子どものころの家 (やく40〜30年前)
 The House From When Parents Were Children About 40〜30 Years Ago

 At that time, the roofs changed to zinc, and each house was supplied with watemorks to becomemore sanitary.
 People started to use gas ranges or oil ranges in the kitchen. Therefore,their lives became gettingmore convenient.

今の家  Present House

 Even if we don't removes now,the snow drains off the roof naturally.
 To stand the winter cold,we started to insulate the walls of the house.We also added a floor heatirsystem.

むかしのどうぐ Old Tools

 There is a local history museum that collects old tools and earthenware tools.This museum hopes topreserve the Kawahigasi-town's history and culture by keeping the tools in the Kawahigashi-town.
 The excavated earthenware and pottery tools which have been put on display are about 8,OOO yearsold.

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