わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -138/161page

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in English.
 We can communicate in English a little in our school.
 It was our second exchange activity,so we succeeded at the welcome party.

lnternational Understanding Studying for the Fifth and SixthGrade Students

「パソコンを使った英会話学習 1」 Studying English Conversation with Personal Computers 1

パソコンを使った英会話学習 1

 日経 C N B C(スカイパーフェクTV)で7月15日に、会津大学との関連でコンピュータや英会話の学習をしている学校ということで放映されました。
 On July 15th,a crew from filming a segment for a local program,detailed how these students at the Univ. of Aizu Were studyingcomputers and English conversation simultaneously.
 In the above pictures,thecameras are filming thestudents while they use "Ai&Yuta's English conversationpassport"to study a computerand English conversation's.

「パソコンを使った英会話学習 2」
Studying English Conversation with Personal Computers 2

パソコンを使った英会話学習 2

 The fifth and sixth grade students had a class together,andstudents used the CD-Rom named "Ai & Yuta's Englishconversation passport.
The instructors from the Univ.of Aizu supported when thestudents used the computers.

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