わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -148/161page

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昭和48.11.12   校旗・校歌制定
The 12th of November,the 48th year of Showa era(1973)
 The school banner and the school anthem were established.

昭和49.7.9   学校プール(アルミニューム製)
The 9th of July,the 49th year of Showa era(1974)
 The school swimming pool (made of aluminum)was completed.

昭和50.5   前庭整備
May,the 52nd year of Showa era(1975)
 The maintenance for the garden.

昭和52.4   文部省道徳教育研究指定(52〜53年)
April,the 50th year of Showa era(1977)
 Desig nated as the Ministry of Education moral education investigation.

昭和53.4.1   町制施行。河東町立河東中学校と校名変更
The 1st of April,the 53rd year of Showa era(1978)
 Enforced the town management.Re named as the Kawahigashi-town Kawahigashi junior high school.

昭和53.8   旧校舎南側窓枠サッシ取換え整備
August,the 53rd year of Showa era.(1978)
 Exchanged the window sash of the south old schoolhouse.

昭和53.10.25   文部省指定道徳教育共同研究公開発表会
The 25th of October, the 53rd year of Showa era (1978)
 The open presentation of the Ministry of Education moral educational collaboration investigation washeld.

昭和54.8   旧校舎北側窓枠サッシ取換え整備
August,the 54th year of Showa era(1979)
 Exchanged the window sash of the north old school.

昭和56.11   河東中学校創立十周年記念式典・校歌碑建立・池の整備
November the 56th year of Showa era(1981)
 The 1Oth aniversaly celebration of the foundation of the Kawahigashi junior high school/built themoment of the school anthem/the maintenance of the pond.

昭和57   暖房・温風ヒーターに切替え・焼却炉移動・新設・図書室閲覧机購入
The 57th year of Showa era(1982)
 The changeover to a warm air circulator heating system/moved the incinerator/built the newone/purchased the library reading desks.

昭和58   校庭観覧席土止め工事(PTA・生徒による奉仕作業)・校門門扉新設工事
The 58th year of Showa era(1983)
 The building of the school field stands (PTA,and the students volunteers)/The new constructionwork of the school gate.

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