わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -149/161page

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昭和59/60年度   旧校舎外壁塗装・旧校舎屋上ロンリューム張替え
The 59th,and the 60th year of Showa era(1985)
 The maintenance of the old schoolhouse exterior,and the roof.

昭和61   河東中学校後援会結成
The 61st year of Showa era(1986)
 Organized the supporting committee of the Kawahigashi junior high school.

昭和62.9.2   旧校舎壁塗装工事
The 2nd of September,the 62nd year of Showa era(1987)
 The painting work of the old schoolhouse.

昭和62.11.30   ピアノ1台購入
The 30th of November,the 62nd year of Showa era(1987)
 Purchased one piano.

昭和63.9   新校舎便所屋根防水工事・給水管布設替工事・プール補修工事
September,the 63rd year of Showa era(1988)
 The water proo work for the new schoolhouse restroom roof/the repairing work of the drainage/therepairing work of the swimming pool.

平成元.4   文部省・心身障害児理解推進校 研究指定(平成元年〜2年)
April,the 4th year of Heisei era(1989)
 Designated as the Ministry of Ed.mentally and physically handicapped students understandingpromoting school investigation.(the 1st year〜2nd year of Heiseiera)

平成2.3   河東中学校給食配膳室整備工事
March,the 2nd year of Heisei era(1990)
 The repairing work of the Kawahigashi junior high school school lunch servery.

平成3.4.17   河東中学校給食開始
The 17th of April,the 3rd year of Heisei era(1991)
 The Kawahigashi junior high school lunch started.

平成3.11.5   河東中学校創立二十周年記念式典(温室設置)
The 5th of November,the 3rd year of Heiseiera(1991)
 The 20th anniversary celebration of the foundation of the Kawahigashi junior high school (set upthe greenhouse)

平成4.4.1   福島県小・中学校教育ネットワークプラン事業研究指定(平成4年〜6年)
The 1st of April, the 4th year of Heisei era(1992)
 Designated as the Fukushima Prefecture elementary schools and junior highschools educationnetwork plan project investigation (the 4th year〜6th year of Heisei era)

平成4.10.20   福島県学校図書館研究大会
The 20th of October,the 4th year of Heisei era(1992)
 The Fukushima Prefecture schools library investigation competition.

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