福島市勢要覧 -035/040page
THE Koseki Yuji Memorial Hall市の名誉市民・古関裕而氏の功績をたたえる ために建設したもので、この記念館は音と映像 で古関氏の業績を知ることができるほか、市民 文化の向上にも大きな役割を果たしています。
This Memorial Hall, which was established in praise of our honorary citizen, the late Mr. Koseki Yuji, helps us become familiar with his works by means of musical sound and visual images. This Hall also offers to our citizens a place for their musical performances, and contributes to the development of their cultural activities.
Koseki Yuji Music Festival古関裕而氏を称えた「古関裕而音楽祭」は平 成3年から毎年開催されています。また3年に 一度「古関裕而音楽賞」として全国から歌詞を 募集し、その歌詞に著名な作曲家が曲をつけた 新しい歌謡楽曲が世に送り出されています。
To honor the late Mr. Koseki Yuji, the "Koseki Yuji Music Festival" has been held every year since 1351. Also, once in every three years, the "Koseki Yuji Music Award" is presented for submission of new songs to the lyrics of Japanese songs and lyrics sent from all over the country, and it has produced many well-known composers.