白沢村勢要覧 -026/038page
ふれあいランドしらさわ GUIDE
白沢村マスコット「イクタン」てがるに気軽に利用したい 公共施設
・ふれあい文化ホール(平4県建築文化賞奨励賞受賞)・公民館・図書館・カルチャーセンター・総合体育館・運動場・テニスコート・海洋センター・グリーンパー ク・中央児童遊び場・保健センター・老人福祉センター・柔剣道場
この施設は国の介護保険関連事業として、高齢者が要介護状態にならないように心身のリフレッシュと交流の場として建設されました。屋内施設であるため雨や雪が降っても年間を通して利用できます。通常はゲートボールコート2面が確保されていますが、このほかグラウンドゴルフやターゲットバードゴルフなどにも利用できます。Shirasawa Friendship Land
Friendship Culture Hall (received the Promotion Award, the Construction and Culture Award of Fukushima Prefecture 1992), Public Hall, Library, Culture Center, General Gymnasium, Athletic Field, Tennis coats, Marine center, Green Park, Central Playground for Children, Health Care Center, Welfare Center for the Senior Citizens, Martial Art Gymnasium
[Friendship Cultural Hall]
An exhibition and library of folk materials. Rooms inside are available for public.[Shirasawa Village Public Hall]
The hall equipped with an auditorium, a Japanese-style room, a training room, a kitchen and an audiovisual room is a center of life-long learning.[Shrasawa Dream Library]
People can read and borrow books and magazines. This library also collects and provides information mainly on computers.[Shirasawa Culture Center]
the total scats of 663[General Gymnasium]
The gymnasium has an arena with a volleyball coat for official games, and exercise room, a training room and spectators' seats.[Villagers' Field]
The large ground of 24,000 square meters can afford six softball coats simultaneously.[Villagers' tennis coats]
Four all weather-type urethane tennis coats equipped with six lighting facilities can satisfy even professional players.[B&G Shrasawa Marine Center]
This center is equipped with a pool for swimming competitions and a pool for kids. You can enjoy swimming safely in the indoor pools even in the rainy weather.[Shirasawa Green Park]
Professional ball games can be held at this complete ballpark equipped with lighting facilities.[Martial Art Gymnasium]
The total floor area is 650 square meters. A sanctuary of martial art in Adachi County.["Silver" Sports Center]
This facility has been built as a venue for the elderly in which they can maintain their physical and mental health and enjoy friendly communication with each other in order to prevent or postpone the onset of conditions that require nursing care. As an indoor facility, it can be used year round, even in inclement weather. Two gate ball courts are usually available. Ground golf and target bird golf can also be enjoyed here.