わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東郷土理解資料2 -030/161page

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(3)河東第三小学校 The Kawahigashi Third Elementary School

 全児童数(ぜんじどうすう) 203名
    203 students
 学級数(がっきゅうすう) 7学級 TEL 75-2350
    7 c1asses      Tel 0242-75-2350
 創立(そうりつ)126年      FAX 75-5293
 Established 126yearsago   Fax 0242-75-5293

学校自慢(がっこうじまん)(特色(とくしょく)) Characteristics

 Our school is surrounded by beautiful flowers and trees,and we take good care of our garden.
 "The Rankin Garden," located on the east side of our school,was originally created 35 years ago.It is an authentic Japanese garden in which the Joshin Pond and the garden lanterns are beautifully laidout on hilly ground amongst more than 195 trees and rocks of different shapes.
 There are 1O koi(Japanese carps) living in the Joshin Pond.
 We have rabbits and roosters at school and we love them very much.We take turns looking after our animals.
 We pick up trash from the street and the parks to maintain a clean environment.
 We enjoy hiking, Picnicks, school trips, athletic competitions, skiing and skating instructions, and project presentations,etc.
 クラブ活動は教育課程(きょういくかてい)に含まれ、毎週(まいしゅう)水曜日、4年生以上の同好(どうこう)の仲間(なかま)が集まり、科学工作、 演劇(えんげき)、コンピュー一タ、アメリカ文化、ゲートボール競技(きょうぎ)をいっしょにやり、楽しんでいます。
 Club activities are contained in the education course, and more than fourth graders are active on every Wednesday. Our clubs include Science and Crafts,Acting,Computers,American Culture,andJapanese Croquet.


 Our school is situated in the northwesten part of Kawahigashi.Due to the hilly terrain,the water from the mountains in the east gradually flows down and provides the local rice fields with abundantwater.

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