わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東郷土理解資料2 -031/161page
Many of us have farml and where we grow rice ,tomatoes ,and asparagus. Cultivation of frowers such as"statice" and "stock" takes place in the plastic greenhouses.
The Kawahigashi branch of JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperative) and the Rice Crop Center are located very close to the school.The economy of Kawahigashi depends upon these organizations.
The Hachiman Shrine is located to the west of the school and the Kumano Shrine to the south.
There is a 1,000year-old temple called the Hachiyouji Temple,"a temple of eight leaves",located inthe Fuyukizawa District (the easten part of Kawahigashi).
阿弥陀堂(あみだどう)、開山(かいざん)堂、十王(じゅうおう)堂、奥の院などいくつかのお堂がありますがその中で、阿弥陀堂はふるい 建築様式(けんちくようしき)を今に伝えており、国の重要文化財(じゅうようぶんかざい)に指定(してい)されています。
There are several wooden structures built within the Hachiyouji Temple such as the Amida-Dou,theKaizan-Dou,the Juou-Dou, and the Okuno-In.The Amida-Dou has been designated as an importantnational cultural property.
(4)河東中学校The Kawahigashi Junior HighSchool
全生徒数(ぜんせいとすう) 420人
420 studcnts
学級数(がっきゅうすう) 12学級(各学年4学級) TEL75-3011
12classes(4classes for each grade). Tel0242-75-3011
創立(そうりつ)昭和(しょうわ)47年(一中、二中、三中が統合) FAX75-3012
Established in 1972(when 3 junior high schools merged)Fax024-75-3012
学校自慢(がっこうじまん)(特色(とくしょく))About Us
Our school is located on a hill top in the center of the Kawahigashi-town.We have a good view ofMt.Bandai and the Iide Mountain range.
We have two school slogans:"Strong Mind and Body"and "Cultivation of Aesthetic Sentiments."
The school atmosphere is cheerful and relaxed. Everyone gets along well each other,and is enthusiastic for studying for his future.
We all work hard on our regular subjects and standardized national exams in such subjects as English, math, and Chinese characters penmanship (Kanji).
We are active to Extracurricular Activities and the Student Council.
Our extracurricular activities include baseball,softball,volleyball,basketball,soccer,softball,tennis,table tennis,brassband,ICC(Internalization through Computers and Culture),Kendo (Japanese