わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東郷土理解資料2 -032/161page
fencing),and Kyudo (Japanese archery).
Our school has the only kyudo club in Fukushima prefecture.
Five other clubs are active during a certain pehod of the year:track and field,marathon,swimming,chorns,and sword dance.Club members practice in the early morning before classes and also afterlunch.
The Trac kand Field Club and the Marathon Club did very well in the Fukushima Prefecture competitions.The Sword Dance Club performed at the Tokyo Hibiya Public Concert Hall in 1997.
The Student Council is lead by the members of the Executive Committee and the Service Committee. 「河中生、未来にはばたく鳥となれ」を全校団結(だんけつ)のスローガンに、そして「みんなで考え、みんなで決定(けってい)、みんなで実行(じっこう)」を生徒会活動のスローガンとして、一人一人が意見(いけん)を出し合い、よりより生徒会活動をめざしています。
There are 2 Student Council slogans:"Everybody takes part in the planning,the decision making,and the execution process"and "Be a bird flying high in the sky of our future".
The Servic eCommittee consists of 13 subcommittees:Subject Matters,School Regulations,StudentHealth,Campus Cleaning,School Newspapers, School Meals,Library,Traffic Safety,Broadcasting,JRC(Japan Red Cross),Election Coomittee, Student Store,and Cheer leaders.The town and thepolice department presented an award to ou rschool for our voluntary activities lead by the JRC(JapanRed Cross),such as cleaning the town and promoting traffic safety awareness.
Chorus Coopetitions are held in which each class competes againt other classes.
Students practice singing during a break even after lunch and after school.
At the end of every competition,all the third graders sing a song together.They also perform at thecommencement.That is a very heartwarming experience.
Cultural and sports events are organized and carried out by the Student Council members and othercommittee members.
Preparing for these events and sharing a common goal bring students together.
Our enthusiastic efforts help to make us well-rounded indiyiduals.