わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東郷土理解資料2 -036/161page
(7)町の公共施設(こうきょうしせつ) Public Facilities
The following facilities are open to public.
[保健(ほけん)センター] The Health Center
Public health officers oversee a variety of health services foreverybody from babies to the elderly.They are always on duty.
The Agricultual Village Environment Improvement Center
The center has a multi-purpose hall,a Japanese croquet field,and a public bath.These are provided for the older farmers so thatthey can maintain their health and enjoy fun actiyities.
[学校給食(がっこうきゅうしょく)センター] The Center for the School Meals
Approximately 1,300 meals are prepared every day for thekindergarten,elementary school,and junior high school studentsin the area.
[公民館(こうみんかん)] The Public Hall
Events and recreations are organized here for the generalpublic.
[総合体育館(そうごうたいいくかん)・弓道場(きゅうどうじょう)] Spons Gym and Kyudo(Japanese Archery)Hall
An arena at the sports gym is 1,307 square meters and is usedfor all kinds of sports.
The Kyuudo hall,right next to the gym,was once used for theNational Athletic Meet.
[野球場(やきゅうじょう)・テニスコート] The Baseball Diamondand the Tennis Courts
People can enjoy playing baseball and tennis as recreations.