わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東郷土理解資料2 -041/161page
[会津村(あいづむら)] AizuVillage
This park has an area of 60,000 tsubo (approximately 3.3 square meters per tsubo) and includes aJapanese garden,a 3-storied-Pagoda,and a 57 meter tall statue of the Aizu Jibo Kan-non (the Goddessof Mercy).
Many visitors to this park are stressed from their busy lives and want to regain spirituality and apeaceful mind here.
[会澤藩校日新館(あいづはんこうにっしんかん)] Aizu Hanko (Aizu Clan School),Nissshin-kan
This school,established during the Edo Period,taught Confucianism,medicine,and astronomy.
The building was restored so that people can learn about the school and its ideals.
[会津磐梯(あいづばんだい)カントリークラブ・会津河東カントリークラブ]Aizu Bandai Counry Club and Aizu Kawahigashi Country Club
These golf courses at the foot o fMt.Bandai offer magnificent views of Mt.Bandai and LakeInawashiro.
[皆鶴姫(みなづるひめ)の碑(ひ)・延命寺地蔵堂(えんめいじじぞうどう)・八葉寺阿弥陀堂(はちようじあみだどう)]The Gravesite of the Princess Minazuru,Shrine of Jizo (Guardian Deity of children) atThe Enmeiji Temple,Amida(Amitabha) Hall at The Hachiyouji Temple
These are historical sites where people visit to learn about their roots and history.
During the week between the 1st and the 7th of August,people with a wooden plate on which a
Buddhist name of deceased relatives are written visit the Hachiyouji Temple to console ancestralspirits.This ritual is called "Koya Mountain Visit in Aizu" and has a tradition of more than 1,000 years.
The sweet buns are called“Yoda Manju",originally served to the visitors to the Hachiyouji Temple,remain popular today.