わたしたちの郷土 河東町 わたしたちのまち 河東 -062/161page
I 河東町のあらまし About the kawahigasitown
1.町の名前のおこり Regarding the Name,Kawahigashi
This part of the name also indicates the town's geographical location.The town is situated on the eastside of the Okawa River,which cuts across th eAizu basin.Kawahigashi is at the east-end of theKawanuma country in Fukushima Prefecture.
"Kawa"of Kawahigashi means a large river. "Higashi" means the east.The east symbolizeschallenge and progress.This name indicates the hope that the town will continue to make progressin tothe future.
2.町のうつりかわり History
(1)大音の河東町 Kawahigashi town in ancient times
People started to live in Kawahigashi from the Jomon Era,because it was proved from broken piecesof the Jomon earthenware and stone tools.
The sharp cutting instruments made by pieces of stone were found from the sites of Yokote,so thereis a possibility of people who had already lived in the Kyusekki Era or the pre-stone age,which is longbefore the Jomon Era.
Many remains,that are considered that many people started to live from the Yayoi Period, have beendiscovered in Kawahigashi.
From the remains of Tanakahara site (which does not exist in good condition after utilization of thefarm machines in a rice field),it has been discovered a fresh-water shell mound which is peculiar tothe whole country.
After that,neighboring the Enichiji Temple where was located in the Bandai-town became powerfulin the Aizu area,so many temples were built in the Aizu area.
It is told that the Fujikura-nikaido is one of them.