わたしたちの郷土 河東町 わたしたちのまち 河東 -066/161page
On the contrary,people working in the manufacturing and the service industry are increasing yearby year.
7.町の年中行事と文化ざい Festivals and Cultural Heritages
Festivals have been passed down from generation to generation.
(1)町の年中行事 Annual Festivals
○大和田八幡神社渡御祭(おおわだはちまんじんじゃとぎょさい) Togyo (spirit transfer) Festival at the Owada-Hachiman Shrine
This is held on September 9th every year.Gosengu is held once every 20 years.
A portable shrine is carried around in the neighborhood,after transfering honorable god body to theportable shrine,and moved around the district living,Ujiko,the son of god (People honoring theHachiman Shrhe).
○八田野神楽(はったのかぐら) Hattano Shinto scared Music and Dancing
The Hattano Shinto music and dancing coming down from long before in the Hattano district hadbecome designated immaterial folk and a cultural property in the town.
Though this is conveyed from the beginning of the Meiji era,it was newly started to play from theorganization of preservation party in 1979 (the 54th year of the Showa era).It was stopped to play fromthe war and other reasons.
○槻橋彼岸獅子舞(つきはしひがんじしまい) Tsukihashi Lion Mask Dance
The Tsukihashi Lion Mask Dancing coming down to the Tsukinoki District is the immaterial folk anda culturalproperty in the town.
It is told that it started to dance in the Heian period (about from 1,200 to 800 years ago) to heightenthe spirits of the warriors (busi).
(2)町の文化ざい Cultural Heritages in the town
There are quite a few cultural heritage sites in Kawahigashi.
Every one of them is an important piece telling the Kawahigashi history.