わたしたちの郷土 河東町 わたしたちのまち 河東 -067/161page

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 皆鶴姫(みなづるひめ)の碑(ひ)The Princess Minazuru's Gravesite
 Princess Minazuru, born in Kyoto at the end of the Heian Period (794 AD to 1,192 AD),fell in lovewith a nobleman named Yoshitsune Minamoto. Unfortunatery, Yoshitsune had to flee to the north toescape from his enemy. Minazuru,who decided to follow Yoshitsune and fell gravely ill during her longjourney, did not survive to see him again.

 八田野一里塚(いちりづか) Hattano lchirizuka(a milestone)
 Starting from Edo (present-day Tokyo),milestones were marked at every ichiri (approximately 4kilometers).
 These traces remind of the old roads.

 古屋敷(ふるやしき)古墳群(こふんぐん) The Furuyashiki Burial Mound

 藤倉(ふじくら)の館跡(やかたあと) The Fujikura Mansion Sites

 旧岡崎家住宅(きゅうおかざきけじゅうたく) The old Okazaki House

 稲荷原(とうかはら)の石工用具と石製品 Mason Tools and Stone Products of Tokahara

8.町の公きょうしせつ Public Facilities

 Do you know what kind of public facilities in Kawahigashi exist ? Let,s study contents of those works.

 河東町役場 The Kawahigasi Town Office


 保健(ほけん)センター The Public Health Center

 農村環境改善(のうそんかんきょうかんぜん)センター The Agricultural Village Environment Inprovement Center

 学校給食センター The School Lunch Center

 総合(そうごう)体育館及び弓道場(きゅうどうじょう) The General Gymnasium and theJ apanese ArcheryGymnasium

 町民野球及び町民テニスコート The Baseball Ground for Towns people and the Tennis Court for Towns people

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