わたしたちの郷土 河東町 わたしたちのまち 河東 -098/161page
IX きょう土を開く Exploiting the Hometown
1.八田内蔵之助(くらのすけ)の努カ Efforts of Kwanosuke Hatta
Long time ago,there was a lot of fiat land that suited a rice field around Hattano (the district ofNishou),although there were afew rice filds because they used clear water and spring water.
Then,Kuraposuke,a head man of the Hattano-villege applied to the Aizu lord,Tadasato Gamou in1623 (about 370 years ago from now).
"There is alot of water of Lake Inawashiro,which is in not so far from the village.
If this water can be conducted,we can make this wasteland into a beautiful rice field.
My lord,please let us construct a weir from the threshold of Lake Inawashiro too our village to make anew rice fie1d."
The lord said,“It will be wonderful for us to be able to reap a lot of rice with a new rice field."Thelord accepted his wish and allowed them to construct a weir.
Although Kurano suke immediately started a construction work,it was discontinued in 2 yearsbecause it cost too much.
However,Kuranosuke went on with construction using his own money without the feudal clan's help.
A total of 20.000 laborers built a weir by using a hoe and a straw basket
It was a hard work,as they had to use a crosstie for a landslide,and put a lump of brushwood forleakage of water.
Finally,they ran out of money.
However,Akinari Kato became a feudal lord in 1632 and contributed to make rice fields,whichturned out to help Kuranosuke's construction.
And at last,they could conduct water of Lake Inawashiro into the village in 1636.
It has been after 14years since they started the construction.