わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -120/161page

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2.学校紹介 About Our School

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History of The Kawahigashi First Elementary School

明治6年4月21日 村立対市小学校と称して旧六丁原村代官所長屋に創立
April 21st,1873 TheTaishi-village elementary school was established in the location of theformer Rokuchouhara-village magistrate tenement.
明治7年4月7日 六丁原小学校と改称
April 7th,1874 The Taishi-village elementary school was renamed as the Rokuchouharaelementary school.
明治8年6月 広田小学校と改称
June 1875 The Rokuchouhara elementary school was renamed as the Hirota elementalyschool.
明治23年4月 教育制度改正、村の分合により学校組合、通学区域、学校名称等しばしば変更の後、日橋第一小学校と改称
April 1890 The educational system revision,the school association by the reunit of villages,the schooling area,and school names were freguently changed.After that,theHirota elementary school was renamed as the Nippashi first elementary school.
大正5年4月1日 高等科併置、日橋第一高等小学校と改称
April 1st,1916 It arranged senior department in that school,and the Nippashi first elementaryschool was renamed as the Nippashi first senior eleoentary school.
昭和16年4月1日 日橋村第一国民学校と改称
April 1st,1941 The Nippashi first senior elementary school was renamed as the Nippashi-village first national school.
昭和22年4月1日 日橋村立第一小学校と改称、第一中学校創立北校舎使用
April 1st,1947 The Nippashi-village first national school was renamed as the Nippashi-villagefirst elementary school using the northern schoolhouse of the first junior highschool.
昭和32年4月1日 町村合併により河東村立第一小学校と改称
April 1st,1957 The Nippasi-village first elementary school was renewed as the Kawahigashi-village first elementaly school by integration of towns and villages.

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