わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -150/161page
平成5.3 校舎大規模改造工事(コンピュータ室設置)
March,the 5th year of Heisei era(1993)
The large scale remodeling work of the school house (set up the new computer room).
平成6.10.29 福島県小・中学校教育ネットワークプラン事業公開発表会
The 29th of October,the 6th year of Heisei era(1994)
The Fukushima Prefecture elementary schools and junior high schools education network planproject open presentation.
平成6.11.3 学校基本調査文部大臣表彰受賞
The 3rd of November,the 6th year of Heisei era(1994)
Awarded the school fundamental investigation the Minister of Ed.commendation.
平成7.4.1 町小・中学校教育ネットワークプラン事業研究指定(平成7年〜8年)
The 1st of April,the 7th year of Heisei era(1995)
Designated as the town elementary schools and junior high schools education network plan projectinvestigation (the 7th year〜the 8th year of Heiseiera).
平成7.9.29 文教施設の住所変更により、福島県河沼郡河東町大字広田字東116番地となる
The 29th of September,the 7th year of Heisei era(1995)
The address was changed because of the educational facilities.116 Aza Higashi,Oaza Hirota,Kawahigashi-machi,Kawamma-gun,Fukushima prefecture.
平成7.10.15/18 第50回国民大会(福島大会)弓道競技大会開・閉式典へ全校あげての参加。
The 15th and 18th of October,the 7th year of Heisei era(1995)
Whole the school participated in the fiftieth national competition(Fukushima competition)Japanese archery competition opening and closing ceremony.
平成8.6 町小・中学校ネットワークプラン事業公開発表
June,the 8th year of Heisei era(1996)
The town elementary schools and junior high schools network plan project opening presentation.
平成8.9 屋上雨漏防止工事
September,the 8th year of Heisei era(1996)
The repairing work of the roof
平成9,4.1 町特別活動研究事業指定(平成9年〜10年)
The,1st of April,the 9th year of Heisei era(1997)
Designated as the towns pecial activity investigation project(the 9th year〜the 10th year of Heiseiera).
平成9.6 テニスコート周辺・防球ネットエ事
June,the 9th year of Heisei era(1997)
The construction work around the tennis court
平成9.10 第2理科室・木工室改修工事
October,the 9th year of Heisei era(1997)
The repairing work of the second science room and the woodwork room
平成10.6 プールサイド改修工事
June,the 10th year of Heisei era(1998)
The repairing work of the pool side