わたしたちの郷土 河東町 河東小中学校(ホームページ) -151/161page

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平成10.11.10   町特別活動研究事業公開発表
The 1Oth of November,the 10th year of Heisei era(1998)
 The towns pecial actiyity investigation project opening presentation.

平成11.4   心の教室相談室設置
April,the 11th year of Heisei era(1999)
 Establishing the mental counseling class
平成11.7   校舎給水管改修工事
July,the 11th year of Heisei era(1999)
 Reconstruction work for the schoolhouse water-supply pipes
平成11.11.26   町国際理解教育研究発表会
November 26,the 11th year of Heisei era(1999)
 The research presentation of the international understanding education of the town

平成12.1   高圧気中開閉器・ケーブル取替
January,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 Replacing the high-voltage switch and cables
平成12.2   体育館ステージ改修工事
February,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 Reconstruction work for the stage of the gym
平成12.8   非常階段改修工事
August,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 Reconstruction work for the emergency staircase
平成12.8   職員室・事務室・校長室天井張替工事
August,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 Renewing the ceiIings in the teachers'room,the office,and the principal room
平成12.8   旧校舎トイレ水洗化工事
August,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 Construction work into the flush toilet for the former-schoolhouse
平成12.10   各教室・体育館へのコンピュータ・ネットワーク配線工事
October,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 Wiring work for the computer network in each classroom,and the gym
 Wiring work for ISDN in each floor,and the gym
平成、2.11.24   町国際理解教育研究発表会
November 24,the 11th year of Heisei era(2000)
 The research presentation of the international understanding education of the town

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