both in the alarm clock problem and in the high tide problem.
2) The use of pictures was more helpful in solving the high tide problem
than the use of imagination was.
3) In the alarm clock problem, John was awakened when the alarm rang
before 9 a.m.
4) In the high tide problem, it is important to remember that the boat
stays where it is while the sea level rises along its sides.
Can we get a better understanding of a situation if we create clear images of
it in our mind?
(a) The alarm clock problem: "At 8 p.m., John set his old-style alarm
clock to wake him up at 9 o'clock the next morning.
(b) The high tide problem: "A ladder with six steps was hanging from a
boat above the calm sea.
The groups were each made up of 35 children aged 13-14, chosen at random.
The number of correct and incorrect answers for each question is shown in
Table l and Table 2.
1) 頭の中にクリアなイメージを持つことができれば、状況はよりよく理解できるだろうか?
2) 「目覚まし時計」と「満潮〔高い潮〕」の問題が出された。
3) 被験者は13〜14才の35人の子供達であった。
4) 正答と誤答の数は1、2の表に出ている。 |