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大学奨学生 九十名程度
(2) ア 高等学校又は高等専門学校に在学している者は、福島県内に引き続き六か月以上住所を有する者であること。
イ 大学に在学している者は、左記のいずれかに該当し、大学に入学するまで又は大学に入学の目的をもって住所を移転するまで、福島県内に引き続き六か月以上住所を有していた者であること。
(3) 経済的理由により修学が困難であると認められるものであること。
(4) 在学する学校の長の推薦を受けた者であること。(学力、収入が推薦基準を満たすこと。)
(5) 国又は他の団体から同種類の奨学資金の貸与又は給与を受けていない者であること
三 貸与月額
国公立月額 二七、○○○円
私 立月額 三二、○○○円
国公立月額 一二、○○○円
私 立月額 一六、○○○円
四 貸与期間
五 出願期間及び申し込み先
○ 平成五年四月十五日より六月十五日まで
○ 申し込みは在学する学校へ
Maybe I'm an idealist. Maybe I'm naive.
I've always believed that aggression between countries is caused largely by a lack of knowledge. A lack of knowledge about the other culture that causes people to resort to stereotypes. I feel that if only people could get to know each other on a personal basis, they could get past false images of each other and see the truth.
This belief was one factor that caused me to leave my country, Britain and came to Japan. I had the dream of helping Japanese students to correspond with students from my country, so that they could get to know and appreciate each other before they were old enough for the stereotypes to harden in their minds. Like a kitten and a puppy who, brought up together, will be the best of friends, but, brought up separately, will only ever fight. Later, I hoped, the students could actually visit one anothers'country and experience at first hand a new culture. The very act of staying in their penfriend's house would be anextraordinary experience, witnessing how an ordinary family lives.
This was my dream when l came to Fukushima Minami SHS, and l am happy to say that l have realised half of my dream. Almost two hundred students have been set up with an exchange partner in England. That's 400 people reaching across the oceans in friendship! The new intake of first-years should see at least another 60 correspondents.
Now, the next stage of organising exchange visits is under-way. It's a very exciting project. Of course not everybody can go, so how can we choose the best candidates? When shall we go? What shall we do in England? My mind in bursting with ideas. l am filled with excitement at the prospect of introducing some of my students to my home country, and some of my fellow Britons to my adopted country. I love both countries and hope that the students can come to find the same delight in the two cultures.
lt has been a lot of work so far, founding this exchange programme, but the day l see Minami high school students step off the plane onto the soil of my country, I know it will all be worthwhile.
(Fukushima Minami High School has been twinned with Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School in the country of Lincolnshire, in the centre of England. The school's most famous student is Lady Margaret Thatcher, the former prime‐minister of Great Britain.)
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