3 (文整序)つなぎの語句を持たない文の順序を考えさせる練習問題(指導の手順(5)の例)
※ 文をつなぐときに、常に、つなぎの語句が使われるとは限りません。上記のような問題を解かせて、文の順序などに関して、英語の論理がある程度身に付いたと判断されたなら、次のような問題を解かせるのも効果的だと考えられます。
下の文中の( )内に次の英文を適当な順に並べ換えて入れなさい。
(1) He simply nodded.
(2) I put on a business suit and carried a briefcase.
(3) "I made it," I said to myself.
(4) When I passed through the studio gate, I waved to the guard.
I was not discouraged. And what I did the next moming was rather unusual
( ). So every day that summer, I went and talked with people in
the studio. Then I found an office which was not in use, and I became a
squatter. I put my name in the building directory: Steven Spielberg, Room 23C.
I was seventeen years old that summer.
4 (自由英作文)パラグラフ内の文の組み立て方(順序)が身に付いてきた後に、open-endedの形を持つ英文を生徒に与え、次に続く内容を想像させ、自由に英語を書かせるのは、生徒の表現力・創造力を高める効果があります。(指導の手順(6)の例)
次の文中の[ ]内に30語程度で英文を書きなさい。
I remember the day when I took a studio tour of Universal Pictures. It was in
the summer of 1965. During the tour, I had a chance to talk to the head
editor. I told him about my interest in making movies. He said he'd like to
see some of my movies, and he gave me a pass to enter the lot. The next day[ ].