cultures. I think it is important to learn about foreign people and their
cultures and notice the differences. We have to be broad-minded. We can learn
a lot about them from TV, movies, books and so on.
Second, (2)). We are often asked about our own customs and history when we go
abroad, but we do not always give the right answers. I don't think we know
enough about our own culture. Probably we should be more interested in our own
Finally, I think (3)). It is very difficult to communicate without language.
Language is important to understand what other people say. If we can
understand the same language, we can communicate more easily. Learning English
at school will help to increase our understanding.
If we keep these things in mind and try to do our best, the world will 4) (place,
to, better, be, a, live).
[注: communication system 通信システム communicate 意思を伝え合う mutual 相互の difference 違い broad-minded 心が広い finally 最後に keep〜in
mind 〜を覚えておく〕
(1) □の中には,このスピーチのテーマになる語句が入ります。最も適当なものを,ア〜工の中から一つ選びなさい。
ア Customs and history イ Environmental problems
ウ International understanding 工 Learning English
(2) (1))〜(3))の中に入る最も適当なものを,ア〜工の中からそれぞれ一つ選びなさい。
ア we need to have more knowledge about our own culture
イ we need to solve the difficult problems together
ウ we need to have a common language to understand each other
工 we need to have more interest in foreign countries
(3) 下線部4)の( )内の語を正しく並べかえなさい。
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