司会も生徒が担当しました。初めは,教師(ALT)が司会を務め,2回目からは発表を終えた生徒がローテーションで担当しました。 |
ジェスチャーを交えて,終始,笑顔で発表しました。 |
Hello. class.
I'm today's chairman.
Now we have "Show and Tell Time."
Let's have fun.
First speaker is ○○.
Are you ready? ○○,please. |
Hello. everyone.
Do you know this book?
This is my treasure. The title is "12番目の
天使" in Japanese.
One day I saw this book on my desk.
My mother bought it for me. I didn't like
reading books. But I tried to read this book.
This book was very interesting.
I have finished reading this for two days.
Thanks to this book, I came to like
reading books and I learned "Never give up."
I will remember this book when I'm in trouble.
I want to say "thank you" to my mother
and this book. From now on, I want to read
many books and learn a lot
Thank you for listening. |