研究紀要第94号 「一人一人の個性を生かす評価の在り方に関する研究」 -011/162page
授業II 映画の吹き替えで使用したワークシート
CLARA : I don't know if I( 1) )! できるかどうかわからないね
DOC : You can do it! できるさ
: Just don't ( 2)( 3)! 下を見ないで
: That's it! そうだよ。早く
Clara gulps and climbs out. Clara scoots along the walkway. Clara moves toward Doc's outstretched hand.
MARTY : (into walkie-talkie) Sixty miles an hour. Doc! もう60マイルだ!
DOC : You're doing fine! いいぞ。(あせらないで)
: ( 4 ) and steady! そうだよ。しっかりとおちついて
The ground is racing underneath. A fall means certain death.
DOC :( 5 )( 6 )! Just a lit...tle further! さあ もう少しだよ
CLARA :1 can't. Emmett. I'm scared! できないわ。こわいわ
MARTY : (into walkie-talkie) Seventy! 70マイルだ!
DOC : Keep (7 ) ...Clara! さあ くるんだ クララ
: Co...me on! Come on, you're doing fine! そうそれでいいんだ。
: Come on! さあ早く
:Nice..and easy! そう、もう少しだ。
Check sheet
No.( ) Name( )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2.Additional sentence (予想した会話を書いてみよう)
3.Evaluation (自分やクラスメートを見つめてみよう)
How was your actibity today?
A: Very active
B; Active ( )
C: Little active
D: Passibe
[How was your partners' activities.]
A: He/She tries to communicate activelu in a loud voice.
B: He/She tries to communicate acdtively.
C: He/She tries to communicate.
D: He/She can't work well.
( )(from ) ( ) (from )
4.Please write your impressions on the opposite side of this paper.