平成8年度 研究紀要 Vol.26 個人研究 -112/175page
3 授業の実際
中学3年生を対象にこの活動を実施した 注5 。
1. 夏休みの計画 “On August 24th,T’m golng to come back to Japan.” 2. 野茂ノーヒットノーラン “Nomo allowed no hits and no runs. 3. ナスカの地上絵 “I think that the people who drew them were Aliens.” 4. チャップリンのライムライト “T’m golng to watch the movie again.” この中から,「ナスカの地上絵」を例に取り,この活動について具体的に紹介する。
○ Teacher’s talk
Look at this picture.Do you know what this is?(Some students say,“It's a bird.”)Yes,it's a bird.It's one of the figures in...(Some students say,“Nazca.”)Yes.You studied about it at Part 1.
Can you see these figures from the ground?(Some students say,“No.”)Why? Because...(Some students say,“It’s very big.”)Yes,they're very big.
Who drew these pictures? It's a mystery.In the textbook,you Can find the sentence “Maybe it was a message to outer space from the people who made it.”But I don't think so.
I think that the people who drew them were Aliens.
I think that the people who drew them were Aliens.Please start writing.
○ 生徒作品
※ 文中の_及び[ ]は筆者による補足.
1. Me,too. Figures is very beautiful.To tell the truth,I mede [them]with Aliens.
2. Where are Aliens live? Maybe Karl and Brian don't make figures in Nazca.But they can draw,Ithink.If UFO broke ,it will fall in the earth?
3. Ithink so,too.Because we can't see the whole figures from the ground.It's very very mistery .Iwant to see the Figuresin Nazca.そして, It's I solve the mystery.Bye−bye.
4. Wow!I don’t know.I want to go to ペルー.I see like Aliens.
5. Really?.If that is the figure made by
注5 会津若松市立湊中学校の高木靖教諭に研究の協力を依頼した。3年生は男子17名,女子16名の計33名。